
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
A Female Fireside Chat with Lyndsey Marie Brown
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
In episode 10 of Female Firesides Emily sits down with Lyndsey Marie Brown. Lyndsey Marie is a certified life coach, intuitive tarot and oracle card reader, and Reiki Master who is passionate about helping others lead with their Higher Self. Her personal magic is empowering leaders to follow their authenticity and expand the impact of their work in the world. Lyndsey believes in creating your own rules when it comes to business, and also in the power of community. Lyndsey Marie Brown | Sacred Self Coach lyndseymariebrown@gmail.com @lyndseymariebrown on Instagram and TikTok Website: lyndseymariebrown.com You can find Emily at: https://ebdesignagency.com/ @ebdesignagency on Instagram

Monday Feb 06, 2023
A Female Fireside Chat with Joan Hale
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
On episode 9 of Female Firesides, I interview Joan Hale who refers to herself as a Pandora's Box! I loved hearing her tell stories about her life and all the businesses she has had over the years. Read her bio below!
Joan Hale is a 2-time breast cancer survivor with more than five years cancer-free. Her friends were an integral part of her recovery, and the help they gave her inspired her to start Necessary Comforts to empower other women who were going through the difficult process of cancer recovery following a mastectomy with post-surgical drains. Together with her business partner, Annie-Laurie McCord, Hale hopes to support post-surgery patients during an often unknown part of recovery.
Social Media and Website
IG necessary_comforts https://www.instagram.com/necessary_comforts/
FB @NecessaryComforts https://www.facebook.com/necessarycomforts
CH @necessarycomf https://clubhousedb.com/user/necessarycomf
LI Necessary Comforts LLC https://www.linkedin.com/company/necessary-comforts-llc/
Etsy https://www.etsy.com/shop/NecessaryComforts
Website https://www.necessarycomforts.com/

Friday Jan 20, 2023
A Female Fireside Chat with Beaudy Camacho
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
On today's episode of Female Firesides, I interview Beaudy Camacho who I met in 2021 in the Create and Sell Program with Carrie Green of The Female Entrepreneur Association. Beaudy was on of the team leaders in the program and gave me some of the best business advice I had ever received when her and I had a call, so I'm super excited to interview her and share her amazing journey. See her bio below!
Beaudy Marea Gogue Camacho is a multi-award-winning advocate, 2X international best-selling author, artist, entrepreneur, and life-long learner from the island of Guam, Marianas, USA. She is the founder of Beaudy Co. Labs, a Passion Projects Production company, and Fundforte, a fundraising and events agency. She is a team leader and business mentor for The Female Entrepreneur Association International and an Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training Trainer for Living Works International and the Guam PEACE Office.
Beaudy supports all who work towards advancing ethics, education, environment, and entrepreneurship. She has big goals set for her family, her team, and her island and is actively working to inspire and empower others to do the same, as well as achieve anything they desire and are determined to do. She lives in personal paradise on the island of Guam enjoying the beach, barbeques, and bliss.
Connect with Beaudy via phone or whatsapp at 1-671-788-9665, online at www.fundforte.com, www.beaudycolabs.com, available on all major social media platforms and via mail at P.O. Box 10897 Tamuning Guam, 96931.
Guam, Micronesia, USA
Current Offer:
Course on Udemy: Visibility strategies that work for busy entrepreneurs

Friday Jul 29, 2022
A Fireside Chat with Karolina Boldt!
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
This episode is a bit different and instead of interviewing my guest regarding her journey as an entrepreneur, this is instead a NO HOLDS BAR conversation about all things w!tches, business and PU$$Y POWER! Yes, you read that right! We are shaking shit up today!Karolina Boldt is an expert in crisis Intervention, and in midwifing people through their personal rebirth. She helps you to bring the "i" back into your life.Karolina is a coach who teaches you to disobey the old rules, write your own, and to get unstuck for good.
She’s a mother, leader, survivor - and on a mission to liberate as many women as possible from the binds of their past, to live a life that feels aligned, and turns them the fuck ON.
She is also the co-founder of the FXCK YEAH community for women.IG: @disobeywithgraceWeb: disobeywithgrace.com

Friday Jul 22, 2022
A Female Fireside Chat with Sandra Lindholm
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Have you ever made decisions in your business or life that you knew you didn't want to do and it's negatively impacted your health as a result? Our host Emily has a new mantra for you: if it's not a f*ck yeah, it needs to be a f*ck no! In this episode, Emily interviewed Sandra Lindholm to talk about her journey helping business owners manage their health and well-being while also thriving in their businesses.Sandra is from beautiful Finland where she lives with her husband and their 3 children.
She is a nurse who after a period of serious illness decided in 2015 to start her own coaching business to help people increase their experience of well-being on her own terms.
Her mission is to help busy CEO’s who are struggling with health issues move from a feeling of just surviving to truly thriving in life. Helping them break through sabotaging patterns that prevent them from experiencing boundless health and well-being, so that they can show up as the person they truly want to be and create an even greater impact in their lives - despite illness and its challenges.
Because she believes that when we feel good and fulfilled with ourselves, we can make an even greater impact in our own lives that contributes to a better world, and that's exactly what this world needs right now.
@sandralindholmstrategy on IG and FB
and https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandra-lindholm-strategy

Friday Jul 15, 2022
A Female Fireside Chat with Rachel Strivelli
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Do you want to know what it's like to be an entrepreneur? Well, there are many twists and turns along the way, but guess what? That's completely normal!
In this episode, I interview Rachel Strivelli who is just pivoting her business from coaching and stepping into her more intuitive, psychic strengths. Hear all about her incredible journey!
Find her on Instagram @rachelstrivelli and check out her bio for all sorts of incredible freebies and ways to work with her!

Friday Jul 08, 2022
Female Firesides Episode 4 with Aquala Bogan, The Realist Woman
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
This episode is all about women's, ahem, "rights" in the US and boy do we get LOUD about this! A great episode to listen to if you want to feel a little bit better about the dismal future for women and girls in the US right now. We will persevere! #mybodymychoice #bansoffourbodies #abortionisahumanright #abortionishealthcare
My guest is Aquala Bogan who is the host of the podcast, 'Self-Care, It’s Spiritual,' which talks about the intertwining of self-care and spirituality, as well as mental health, relationships, and the world as it stands for women.
She’s the founder and editor-in-chief of the blog the Realist Woman, which started as a news blog covering under-reported news on women and girls and will be evolving into a platform for her podcast as well as continued underreported news coverage on women.
She has written her first draft for an upcoming book on self-care and is looking to self-publish her first motivational audiobook this year.
Find on her Instagram @therealistwomanblog and on Apple or Spotify under Self-Care, It’s Spiritual, or on her website, www.therealistwoman.com
You can also support her content on Buy Me A Coffee

Friday Jul 01, 2022
A Female Fireside Chat with Mar D
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Have you ever had a crazy idea but just never acted on it? Well, here's your permission to ACT. From 9-5 to homesteader, this episode is all about how to listen to your intuition and let her guide you! You just have to be open to amazing opportunities!Mar is the Founder of the Moving Pebbles blog where she talks about the power of small habits, daily routines, and taking tiny actions she call Pebbles to create the life of your dreams.Mar is also the owner of Windborne Candles LLC, a successful handcrafted beeswax candle business, as well as a homeschooling mom of two teens, an endurance athlete, and an avid outdoor enthusiast.She is also a beekeeper and homesteader running Windborne Farms, a small farm in Wisconsin.Find her at movingpebbles.com and Windbornefarms.com.And on IG and FB at @movingpebbles and @windbornecandles